

Tafsir, in its simplest terms, is Quranic interpretation: what we understand and implement from the divine words of Allah SWT. Our Tafsir course helps students become dedicated to understanding the meaning of the Quran and how it is meant to be applied to our daily lives. 

Within teaching Tafsir, there are several different schools of thought, each with its own method of interpretation of the Quran. While some schools focus on the literal, translated meaning of the Holy Scripture, others delve deep into deciphering its spiritual meanings. 

Each Muslim should strive to study Tafsir, whether they choose to take classes for it, or simply study the Quran on their own. Partaking in classes, like this Tafsir course we offer at Live Quran Tuitions, helps keep your motivation towards it high due to being engaged in a classroom setting.

There are many benefits to learning Tafsir: it helps you better understand the Quran, gives you a deeper understanding of Islam, builds a unique closeness to Allah SWT, and allows knowledge that helps you feel fulfilled spiritually. 

Course Duration: 6 months
Fees: 100$ / month

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